Some definitions of Global Warming

With Global Warming making headlines every now and then, here`s giving you some interesting definitions of global warming..............

Global Warming: continuing increase in the average temperature of the air and the oceans.
                               If we cannot reverse global warming, how long we run out of party ice?

Global Warming: The thing that you blame all of your problems on.
                                Teacher:Why didn`t you do your biology assignment last night?
                                Student: Global Warming
                                Woman:L Why weren`t you home yesterday?
                                 Man:        Global Warming

Global Warming: A term which has been the subject of much hated debate. It is either used to describe
consequential escalating global temperatures or the tree huggers fear weapon to fuel the "Go Green" movement.
Go read another definition if you`re looking for more of a bias.
Whether global warming is just hype or not, t has made us more aware of the significant impact we have on our planet. That has to count for something good.

Global Warming: What republicans pretend not to believe in so their can see New York and San Francisco flooded in 20 years or so. " Ya know.. Katrina done hit us pretty hard. Mabee that Gore feller`bout th` global warming`ur whatever was talkin` a licka sense aft."

Global Warming: Made up by scientists and Al Gore to make you act like idiots, into wasting less energy and making less pollution.


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