E-Waste Threat

Rising e-Wastage 

The total e-wastage in different forms in the country would now come to around more than 1.40 lakh tonnes per year. if this flgures are only for India, Imagine the world's e- waste i.This is expacted to exceed eight lajh tonnes by 2010, Kurian Jopseph
,Assistant Professor, Environmental Engineering, Centre for environmental studies, Anna University, Chennai said.

Harmful Materials 

Quoting a study by an NGO,He said Banglore city with1,322 software companies, 36 Hardware units  and business process outsoueching units disposes 8000 tonnes e- waste per year. The biggest concern was the presence of toxic materials like Lead, Cadmium, mercury and arsenic, printer cartridage links and toners that Pose significant health risks. These companies soil,groundwater and air and affect the workers of the recycling units.

Toxic threat

Iron and steel were the most common materials  found and accounted for half of the total e- wastge, followed by plastic and non ferrous meatls."Toxic substances and other harmful substances are usually concetrated in printed circut board."  


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